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9 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Personal Injury Attorney

Hiring a Personal Injury Attorney Hiring a personal injury attorney is a big decision. It would be best if you made sure they have the experience and knowledge to take on your specific case and that they can competently provide you with the representation you deserve. Here are nine questions to ask before hiring a personal injury attorney.

1. What are your strengths?

It's important to know what areas of the law your lawyer has experience with and whether they have a stellar reputation within the community. Find out if they regularly appear in court and, if so, how often. Some lawyers prefer to handle only medical malpractice cases; others specialize in negligence and product liability cases.

2. What are your weaknesses?

Find out how your lawyer handles cases when things don't go as planned. Some lawyers may not be able to defend a case if the facts indicate, or they will be unable to obtain a favorable outcome for you.

3. What is your fee structure?

This is an essential question if you have been seriously injured and may need to pay medical bills and other expenses out of pocket. The last thing you want is for your lawyer to increase their fees while your out-of-pocket expenses increase.

4. How does the firm handle cases that settle before trial?

Good lawyers will be able to talk about the process of obtaining a settlement, whether you are seeking an out-of-court settlement or a trial. Personal injury attorneys at The May Firm have a policy on settling cases before and claiming client's compensation. It may be helpful to know that the firm is aggressive in settling cases. Settlements can benefit you, especially if they agree to pay off your medical bills, pain and suffering, and other damages as quickly as possible.

Hiring a Personal Injury Attorney 5. Have you ever lost a case?

You will want to ask all of your potential lawyers what their track record is like in winning personal injury cases. You'll want to know how often they appear in court, how complicated their cases were, and what results they obtained for their clients.

If you are looking to hire a personal injury lawyer, you've likely already researched lawyers and firms in your area. Ask why you should pick that specific firm over the other options available.

6. How many years have you been handling personal injury cases?

The longer a lawyer has been practicing law, the more likely they will win your case. Experience is critical to a personal injury lawyer's success, especially regarding their reputation within the community. The longer a lawyer has been practicing law, the more likely they will win your case.

7. What is your philosophy on litigation?

One of the biggest misconceptions about lawyers is that they encourage their clients to start lawsuits. Lawyers have clients sign agreements specifically stating that they will only take action if it's necessary to do so. Clients who obtain a lawyer because they want to sue someone often lose their case and have to pay their attorney's fees should they lose.

8. Is the firm's attorney a member of a professional association?

Lawyers who are board members or members of law societies gain valuable experience that helps them win your case. The more lawyers who have been through a particular law society's program, the more likely that lawyer will be successful and win your case.

9. Is your injury lawyer willing to communicate with you?
It would help if you felt comfortable asking your lawyer any questions that might come up. Some lawyers don't take the time to communicate with their clients because they believe their clients should trust them without needing explanations. If your lawyer isn't willing to communicate with you by phone, email, or in person, that's not a good match, and they are not the right fit for you.

Image Source:

Image 1: Image by Cal Injury Lawyer on Flickr

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 3rd June 2022.

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