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So here is a Short Presentation:

6 Beverley Sills Quotes Which Define True Success Of Life

America’s ‘Queen of Opera’ also known as ‘Bubbles’ by her fans, Beverley Sills was an operatic soprano. She became an opera heartthrob and face for millions through her public performances in coloratura soprano roles in live opera and recordings and broadcast during a singing career that expanded over four decades. Here are some of her quotes from which you too can know success secrets!

1. “There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.”

Beverley Sills Quotes Which Define True Success Of Life

2. “You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don't try.”

Beverley Sills Quotes Which Define True Success Of Life

3. “I've always tried to go a step past wherever people expected me to end up.”

Beverley Sills Quotes Which Define True Success Of Life

4. “Everything you need you already have.”

Beverley Sills Quotes Which Define True Success Of Life

5. “I can't be happy every day but I can be cheerful.”

Beverley Sills Quotes Which Define True Success Of Life

6. “Just sing it. Don't prove you can sing it. I know you can, you know you can. So just do it, because if you try to prove it, you'll lose.”

Beverley Sills Quotes Which Define True Success Of Life

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