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Medyhne Lebachen Talks About Living An Inspired Life When Life Doesn't Always Go The Way You Planned!

From a young age, Medyhne wanted to experience life on all levels. She wanted to find the path to true happiness. She pursued academic education, fitness coaching and motherhood. Once her daughter was born, she realized true happiness is found by connecting to your spirituality, the higher aspect of who you really are.
Empowered Living Show
It’s interesting that her name, Medyhne in Sanskrit, means ‘Divine Feminine Sacred Power’.  As every human being has, she has also experienced the lows of life with her fair share of trials and tribulations such as deaths, divorce and the challenges that life brings. However, she always forged on with an optimistic and pioneering spirit, full of hope for the future and can now teach, guide, inspire, inform and pass on some valuable skills, hard earnt learnt along the way! She is a coach, minister of healing, a published author and an internationally published singer/song-writer.
Living an Inspired Life
Medyhne shares with listeners the Buddhist philosophy and 3 of their main teaching points:  How to love fully, how to have the best possible life and how to un-attach and let go. Medyhne grew up in a Western consumer-materialism culture in Australia where attachment to things is very common. She personally found she needed to work on other attachments such as nice food and relationships. Letting go of relationships has been a life-long lesson for her. Her life path and circumstances have forced her to learn the lesson of surrender so she could shift to being in the flow of the universe- even when it came to the death of her daughter. 

She believes we are on this planet at this particular time to grow and evolve spiritually and to raise our vibration and support the planet’s transition to higher consciousness. When we surrender, we can step into the divine flow of the universe which allows us to let go of our lower self or ego self. Higher energies that allow grace include energies of love and forgiveness. Allowing these higher vibrations into your life helps one move through attachments. 
Living an Inspired Life
People have a vision of how they want their life to flow but what comes out of our lives if often very different. She talks about her own life including situations that were not in her vision yet that turned out to be gifts. Ultimately, she knew she needed to surrender to an attached outcome and let go so she could be continue her life path in service. Medyhne talks about resisting the patterns in our life. She talks about these patterns continuing to happen over and over until you can learn the lesson. You can block the higher outcome by being attached to a specific outcome. When you are attached to the process and try to force the outcome, you can lose out on opportunities.

Medyhne is open to divine guidance every day and follows the flow in her life. She teaches, coaches, has online courses and runs an annual Abundance, Pray, Love retreat. She also has fun teaching local workshops such as her mother-daughter relationship workshop and a transformational astrology workshop locally.

She is a singer and explains how singing is a way of expressing yourself raising your vibration. Medyhne says everyone has their own soul song. Knowing your soul song helps you connect to others at a soul level which allows you manifest higher frequencies shifting the energy in your life. Medyhne’s gift, “Finding My Soul Song” can be found here: 
Medyhne wants you to nurture yourself during this time of transition on the planet. She is available for coaching and healing.  You can find her on her website
Watch the SHOW!

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 3rd May 2017.
Lisa Meisels
Lisa Meisels is an Online Visibility Strategist for Health & Wellness Coaches.

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