into your Business/Organisation at the earliest
So here is a Short Presentation:

Real Reasons Why You Should Go to College

It is said that knowledge is power, and a college education is structured to impart knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values to students, but is it worth it? Not everyone goes to college, but various reasons abound for and against the decision depending on an individual. Of course, there are some prominent and successful people from both sides of the spectrum, but where are the odds for success higher? Below are some real reasons why you should go to college:
Earning Potential
On average, college graduates earn thousands of dollars more annually than non-college graduates. In a lifetime, these graduates will earn about $1 million more. This earning potential increases as one progresses to the graduate level. Everyone has a dream such as travelling, owning a home and starting a family. These goals require financial stability for attainment.
Learning Useful Skills
Although most degrees don’t prepare students for the real world, they can learn more about what they choose to study. Therefore, there will be an acquisition of the fundamental skills that are useful for future careers. Various professions will help in students' advancement and learning from others including mentors.
You will also live independently; this will be a preparation for your future. You will also become an expert in your chosen field because of the numerous classes on it. It will also increase your ability to think critically and abstractly as well as gaining soft skills like communication and problem-solving.
Increases Job Opportunities
Since the world is dynamic, many jobs require at least a post-high school education. With other classes to attend outside your major, there will be an opportunity of pursuing different career options. Also, with a degree, it will be possible to venture into other fields that you never thought before. Some jobs get created, and some require a minimum qualification of a college education. Also, the unemployment rate is less for college graduates, and consequently, the graduates are less likely to lose their jobs.
Meet People
During your college time, you will meet people who may end up being your best friends. These friends and other connections will help you much while in college and outside. They may also help in your career advancement. Connections and networks are important professionally and throughout your life.
People from diverse backgrounds vested with various worldviews will broaden your horizon which is important for personal growth and self-discovery. Sometimes, you might find your soulmate in college too. In a 2013 Facebook study, it was found that about 28% of married couples met in college.
Time Management
Since college programmes are based on timelines, time management skills are important if all the tasks to be performed are identified. You will have tasks such as class attendance, projects completion, assignments, core-curricular activities and social life, all requiring your involvement. You will, therefore, learn to complete projects on time and balance multiple projects effectively. Time management transcends college life and will be useful in your whole life too.

Support for Entrepreneurship
One of the real reasons why you should go to college is self-reliance which can come from entrepreneurial skills. Although a college education is not necessary for one to be an entrepreneur, entrepreneurship is currently an idealized career path. However, research by Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation in 2014 shows that a third of entrepreneurs are college graduates. Many colleges have courses and opportunities for enhancing entrepreneurship.
Healthier and Happier Life
Higher education may lead to employer-provided health insurance. A graduate will also have more opportunities for getting jobs hence supporting their families. More income will mean more healthy food, fitness, and supplements. They can pay for gyms and better private health insurance if no employer-sponsored insurance. According to research in 2015 by the Pew Research Center, college graduates are less likely to get divorced compared to high school graduates (the divorce rate is 26 percent and 36 percent respectively).
Writing Skills
Acquisition of writing skills is one of the real reasons why you should go to college. In college, you will do a lot of writing such as examinations, assignments, and reports. Proper writing skills are therefore imperative for you to express yourself well. Writing to different audiences in an engaging manner is a skill that will benefit you later. Long after college, you will be required to write too; for example, in writing reports in your workplace, writing emails and other instances, justifying developing this skill while in college.
Public Speaking
Public speaking opportunities abound in colleges; it is important to embrace them. These skills will be important even after completing college; in workplaces, selling products, as well as presenting research in a conference. Effective communication of your ideas will ameliorate your experience and ensure career success.

Starting All Over
Sometimes, starting afresh in life is important if there are old habits that you should get rid of. Most likely, when in college, you are getting into adulthood, therefore, you get an opportunity of breaking out your old shell and start as someone totally new. Also, in a family, you are likely to break old traditions (of not pursuing higher education) if you start joining the education; if you attend college, your children are also likely to join too.
Group Work
In college, you will also have group projects. Group work is also a necessity in real life since you will work in groups in various instances in real life. This is what makes humans more successful, different from humanoids, so learn the skills of working with people in group work for a better future.
ConclusionAll these are the real reasons why you should go to college. Not only will there be a financial boost, but also success in many aspects of life. Most important is the ability to work with people and establish valuable connections and networks. These will help you to advance in your profession as well as getting lifelong friends. Therefore, the benefits far outweigh its disadvantages if you choose a course you like and when you know what you want to do.
This article is submitted by Erica. She supports the effective adoption of new technologies or ways of working within writing by communicating complex information in an informative and inspiring way. Her works you can be found on her blog. She's fond of writing articles for students, and helping them with essays.
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