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Personality Traits for Healthcare Professionals

Personality Traits for Healthcare Professionals
Whether you are just about to make waves in your first career in healthcare, or whether you have been working in an unrelated role for some time and you are now looking to make the transition into full-time care work, you may wish to know the personality traits that can help you succeed.

Remember, for some roles, education and training may be vital. For example, check out more information on a degree in health care administration.

Now let’s take a closer look at the personality traits that lend themselves to careers in healthcare. If you spot yourself in the descriptions, a rewarding role may await.

Empathetic Mindset

There’s really no getting away from the fact that working in healthcare means working with people - or more specifically, working with people who have needs. Nobody who is fit and healthy is expected to walk into a hospital or other place of care and demand treatment. It’s only people with physical and mental incapacities that need your help. They rely on you.

If you are the kind of person who can search deep down within yourself and confidently claim that you are indeed empathetic to the needs of others, healthcare is a profession that will welcome you with open arms.

The issue is that many people have a daily fuse that doesn’t even last until lunch. Patients can be demanding. They may feel sorry for themselves. They may be running low on bravery and it can all get too much for them. Could you be the friend, trusted health advisor, and crutch they need?

Personality Traits for Healthcare Professionals

Flexibility / Adaptability

In the Eminem film, 8 Mile, we see the title character carrying out his tasks in the workplace (which happens to be a factory). There is only one task. Placing materials into machinery. When the machine is done, the load is taken away and the next load must be jostled into place. Rinse and repeat. All-day long.

Why mention this? Because if you are under the impression that your career in healthcare will be anything less than topsy-turvy and frantic, you are mistaken. Healthcare can involve everything from administration to bereavement. You will be dealing with young patients, older patients, emergencies, people who just want some attention… one day is never like the next.

Basically, this is not a rinse and repeat profession. If you aren’t up to the challenge of meeting the weird and wonderful needs of both transient and long term patients, you might want to find out where Eminem worked and ask for an application form.

Stress Management (& Time Management)

We couldn’t leave things without mentioning the potential stress levels involved with working in healthcare. As mentioned, you are going to be dealing with an array of people’s personal problems. Some people may be difficult and closed to the help you can give.
Some may be so psychologically frail and dependent on your advice that you can feel their hopes weighing on you. Managing your time and dealing with stress are two skills that not everyone can call upon. If you feel you have what it takes, apply within.

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 1st May 2021.

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