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Diamonds And Culture: How Different Cultures Celebrate Love And Relationships Through Jewellery

Celebrate love and relationships through jewellery Diamonds are said to be a girl’s best friend, but the truth is that they’ve been around for centuries and have been used in various cultures to symbolize love, relationships, loyalty, and commitment. From ancient times to the modern day, diamonds have represented different values across different countries and cultures. Let's take a look at how different cultures celebrate love and relationships through diamonds and jewellery.

1. Ancient Times:

Throughout history, different cultures have celebrated love and relationships through the gift of jewellery, particularly diamonds. In ancient times, diamonds were used as decorations to symbolize strength and power in kings and queens across the world including Egypt, Greece, India, and China. The ancient Greeks believed that diamonds were tears of the gods and would give diamond jewellery as a symbol of everlasting love. Meanwhile, in ancient Rome, diamonds were seen as symbols of strength and perseverance, used to adorn warriors and their shields.

Similarly, in ancient Egypt, jewellery was used as a way to signify social status and rank, with pharaohs and their wives adorning themselves with lavish diamond jewellery. Throughout these different cultures, diamonds held significant cultural meaning and were used to express love, strength, and status.

2. Indian Culture:

India is known for its rich culture and traditions and jewellery has always played an important role in the country’s history. Indians view diamonds as symbols of wealth and prosperity. In India, diamonds are often given as a token of love from the groom to his bride on their wedding day. Brides in India wear diamond jewellery along with gold and silver jewellery to signify their new marital status. In the Hindu tradition, a string of pearls is also used to represent eternal attachment between two people. Additionally, diamonds are often given to new mothers as a symbol of protection and good luck.

Celebrate love and relationships through jewellery 3. Chinese Culture:

In Chinese culture, the significance of jewellery in relationships and love is deeply ingrained. The Chinese traditionally gifted jade jewellery as a symbol of love, affection, and friendship, believing it to possess healing properties and bring good luck. However, with the increasing popularity of diamonds, they too have become a popular choice for wedding jewellery among the Chinese. In China, engagement and wedding rings are typically worn on the right hand, and the more extravagant the ring, the better. Another interesting tradition is the giving of red envelopes containing gold or jewellery to newlyweds as a symbolic gesture of good luck and fortune. Overall, jewellery holds great value in Chinese culture and is perceived as an extension of oneself, conveying messages that words cannot express.

4. Japanese Culture:

In Japanese culture, the giving of jewellery is a well-established tradition that is deeply rooted in history. Historically, Japanese women wore a type of jewellery called "obi-dome," which was a decorative clasp used to hold their traditional kimono dresses in place. Today, jewellery remains an important part of Japanese culture, particularly in regard to romantic relationships. Diamonds are a popular choice for engagement rings in Japan, just as they are in Western cultures. However, instead of a single solitaire diamond, the Japanese often opt for a cluster of smaller diamonds, called a hanayome-nin, which represents the bond between two people.

In addition to engagement rings, Japanese couples also exchange matching necklaces or bracelets, known as "ai-yubiwa," as a symbol of their commitment to each other. The exchange of jewellery in Japanese culture is not limited to romantic relationships, as it is also a common practice between family members, friends, and business partners as a sign of gratitude and respect.

5. Western World:

In the Western world, diamonds have long been associated with love and commitment. The tradition of giving a diamond engagement ring dates back to the late 15th century when Archduke Maximilian of Austria proposed to Mary of Burgundy with a diamond ring. This tradition has continued to this day with many couples choosing to mark their commitment with the gift of a diamond ring. However, in recent years, there has been a shift towards more unique and personalized jewellery pieces that reflect the couple's individuality. Despite this, diamonds remain a popular choice for engagement rings and other significant milestones in relationships. There is no denying that diamonds hold a special place in the hearts and minds of those in the Western world when it comes to celebrating love and relationships through jewellery.


No matter what culture you come from, diamonds are sure to bring a smile to your special someone's face. Whether you’re buying for yourself or as a gift, diamonds will always be the perfect way to show your love and commitment. So why not consider adding a little sparkle to your life with some beautiful diamond jewellery?That's all for now! We hope you've enjoyed learning about the different ways diamonds and jewellery are used to celebrate love and relationships across cultures. Happy shopping!

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 19th May 2023.

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