Inspiring Stories
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Celebrating Abundance as a Way of life - The Journey of Dr Meenaa Mahaajjan

Dr. Meenaa Mahaajjan is a renowned Spiritual Coach, Transformation Coach, and a Life Skill Instructor. She is the Founder of Siddhi, a Spiritual Non-Profit Organisation

The Journey of Dr Meenaa Mahaajjan

Dr.Meenaa Mahaajjan is the one who truly embraces the spirit of social entrepreneurship. She is a people’s person to the core. A school topper and gold medallist in Botany and Masters in Anthropology from Delhi University, she excelled academically. She chose to walk away from a corporate career to pursue what she loved the most – being a humanitarian and a social entrepreneur. She is a pioneer in establishing the Understanding and Application of Spirituality in the life of an individual. She teaches "THE SCIENCE AND SPIRITUALITY OF MEDITATION', simple techniques to manifest abundance and self-healing through the power of the subconscious mind. She is aligned to a bigger purpose and works relentlessly with the same energy day in and day out. Her experiences in life have strengthened her from inside. She draws inspiration from each moment of her life. She has many recognitions and accolades in her bag. “Transformation Coach of the year 2016-17”, Spirituality in Corporate World - 2017, Make in India award for promoting Spirituality and Wellness- 2015-2016, Honorary doctorate in spiritual sciences from Kings University, US, “Women of Substance” - 2016, Indian Icon award – 2016-17 and many more.

She works with the underprivileged, the special ones and loves to be engaged in social service and human welfare. She plans to work with rural India and develop our villages with the help of some global organizations in areas of waste management, woman empowerment, child development, health care, and education and promoting Indian culture, values, and knowledge all around the globe.

The Journey of Dr Meenaa Mahaajjan

Comeback Queen - Never say Die in a true sense

She attributes her path of the realization of self-awareness to the various experiences of her life.

Meenaa recalls her low hemoglobin count during her growing up years when most of her doctors who diagnosed her, declared that she was suffering from thalassemia and might not survive beyond 40 years. Also, there was no chance of she conceiving a baby as per the doctors. The birth of her son was a divine intervention 23 years ago and today she is complimented every passing day for her youthful looks at the age of forty-six. She defied her doctor’s opinions in every sense who marvel at her miraculous comeback after surviving for 12 hours where she had a near to death experience. She came back to life again. It was then she felt that her life was given back to her so that she can accomplish a bigger purpose. From a spiritual standpoint, she learnt that she is living for a higher purpose.

Moving on in every stride

Life started testing her by parading her to a lot of challenges. Her only way of dealing was by moving on to the next step. She says each challenging experience was a way of cleansing her from within. A self-learner who explored varied learnings of renowned masters and teachers. Her way of interpreting things was neither appreciated nor accepted initially. She says that it took her nearly 2 decades of effort from her side to make people understand her outlook of spirituality. It is a simple way of living and understanding one’s journey and purpose and not any complicated jargon. It is a state of awareness, acceptance and experiencing life as it is without any complications. One can experience the essence in her SIDDHI programs which she conducts for all age-groups, all sectors, and segments across the globe.

She says success for her is … ABUNDANCE!

Following her heart – Making of Siddhi

Meenaa says, “She realized that her heart was not in a 9 to 5 job and her research in forensic science, metaphysics, and quantum physics fascinated her.” She soon started exploring the human mind. She got tremendous appreciation for her work in forensic astrology. She could scientifically interpret the planetary positions as in quantum physics and relate it to human life and existence. She wanted to validate the ancient science of Astrology with the cosmic intelligence for people to understand and apply in their lives. She realized that she had to pursue her passion and purpose to get a sense of inner peace. She noticed her shift in energy whenever she had an opportunity to discuss about her being a spiritual leader.

Her value system has been structured to “SIDDHI”; a program where understanding leads to enlightenment. From then onwards, there has been no looking back. SIDDHI’s unique approach focuses on the inside out change and transformation. A CHANGE that is initiated within and sustained forever.

SIDDHI’s unique approach and interventions have changed the way corporates think. A human being is a most valued asset and how important it is to have a happy employee for high productivity. corporates all around the world are now understanding and endorsing the need for mindful working. when teams work with compassion and love there is selflessness and service. She has been successful in bridging the gap between the management and employee relationship and has been given the title of Chief of Staff by corporates. She has been very successful in sensitizing the HR for the simple emotional needs of an employee. "Employee needs to be taken care of," she says. Spiritually inspired leaders have a conscience to run their businesses with empowered human beings.

An Anchor

Meenaa says her husband and her son have always supported her to follow her heart. She believed in herself, which is why she says, “I CAN because I AM”. She has been a huge support system for her parents who were devastated by the loss of her brother, her only sibling. She was the anchor as they underwent a huge depression. She says that she lost her in-laws one after the other. It was a big blow to see three deaths in a row. She misses her father-in-law who was highly encouraging in every step she took. Her aged parents now live closer to her house and it is a great pleasure to see them bouncing back to life again.

Learning the value of financial literacy

Meenaa recalls the times where there was a big slump in their finances. She says that it was indeed a hard lesson during tough times where she realized the importance of money. It is a necessity and should be handled well. She says it is very important for each individual to be literate in handling one’s finances. It led her to conduct sessions on the same topic called “Millionaire mindset” to empower people in managing their finances and attracting wealth.

Pearls of Wisdom

Meenaa says that in her workshops she conducts a powerful exercise of “Truth versus interpretation of truth”. These two aspects occur like they overlap each other. She says “See things as they are. Understand the perspective from other’s point of view as everybody has a perspective. Each individual is a specialist in one’s own field. It is very simple and doable.”

The Journey of Dr Meenaa Mahaajjan

The tools, techniques she uses in her workshops and seminars are simple and life-changing. There is a growing need to come back to basics, from the food we eat to the thoughts we think. It’s time to be simple! We are complicating things and un-necessarily subjecting our lives to unwanted stress. The only emotion that can stop conflicts in families, communities or countries is LOVE.

“Serve a purpose that is greater than yourself, this is true empowerment”.

AHA Moments

Motherhood by far is the best moment and the most enjoyable phase of her life. It is the holiest moment in a woman’s life. She says, “I grew up with my child. He taught me to love unconditionally and made me realize the power of giving. being a mother has strengthened my belief in the divine. when you nurture a soul, it’s a divine responsibility.”

She says that when people come and hug her after the sessions, it is such a fulfilling moment. The thought that she could make a difference and touch their lives gives her an all-time high.

My Dream and way forward...

No matter how much the world is excelling in technology, nothing can take away the power of the HUMAN TOUCH. It heals, connects and nourishes which is a fundamental part of our existence. We will always need mothers, doctors, and friends to nourish our emotions. My vision is to see myself engaging with human beings and helping them connect to the basic levels of existence. something as basic as happiness is missing and disease is taking over.

From Garbhasanskaar to Antimsanskaar each phase of our life needs good conditioning. SIDDHI is my tool to reach out to people and inspire them to lead happy and joyful lives.

True Entrepreneurs know WHY of their lives... they are innovative, passionate, and willing to take risks. The focus is not to 'prove' but to 'improve' by thinking out of the box. we all know the WHAT and HOW of our businesses but what distinguishes a successful person from an unsuccessful person is the WHY... all individuals and corporates who know the WHY are successful. The WHY is your purpose.

The diffusion of Innovation theory clearly constructs a curve and a company's position on this innovation curve proves how it adapts, embraces and thinks about the CHANGE. companies that don't manage their cultures can unintentionally block the creativity and innovation of their employees.

Today she has an extended family of thousands of souls around the world who are in the process of transformation and living a life of purpose, love, and fulfillment. Gratitude and appreciation are the highest vibrations of the universe. Always be stocked with gratitude and appreciate every speck of nature. Leave a legacy of love and selfless service. This is the only credit that counts when GOD audits your life. Meenaa is a shining example of giving back to society. She knows her “WHY” and her higher purpose, which paves the path of living and leaving a legacy.

This is an excerpt from the book Erupt With Joy authored by Ms. Savitha Hosamane [available on &]

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 26th February 2022.

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