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Anto Philips & Shreyans Jain: Creators Of 'Under 25' Club - Revolutionizing The Way Youth Is Educated

While some youngsters still think "I'm still very young. It's okay if I haven't done anything yet. I have enough time to achieve", this set of energetic individuals who are still in their early 20s become the reason to direct thousands of youngsters to help achieve their dreams, with the creation of one of its kind platform. Read On!
Anto Philips and Shreyans Jain, who were still 18, pursuing their education at Christ University Bangalore, joined hands together to create this phenomenal platform of Under 25 Club.

We wanted to create a community of people who believe in themselves. What makes us stand apart is the fact that we believe in edutainment; proving that educating youngsters through entertainment is definitely possible. Entertaining in the right channelized way is something that we believe in” says Anto.
Under 25 Club
The Under 25 club started with Shreyans and Anto envisioning to help youth believe in themselves and follow their passion. As students themselves, they knew that people of that age were ready to learn anything which was wrapped in a way that would entertain them at the same time. Now that the process was decided, these champions began to put in their heart and soul to create a triumphant event where they could have a few renowned entertainers in various industries to help the audience receive actual learnings to be able to live a successful life. Soon, they were able to expand the team with a few more, who believed in achieving the same goal. The very first event had about 100 participants, who went back thoroughly inspired, out of which many got back to volunteer to create the next annual event more prosperous.

That was the joyful part of the beginning. What’s inspiring is the fact that they never gave up in spite of numerous challenges thrown upon them throughout the path they walked. The toughest hurdle was, not being taken seriously since they were still in their late teens. Imagine a young student going to a celebrity and asking him/her to support what he is doing. How many personalities would even listen to them? Imagine a student going and requesting a company to sponsor his event; how many would agree to it? Imagine a student going to another of his own age and inviting to be a part of his creation, how many would really even encourage? The very fact to make people believe in these young dreamers was one of the biggest tasks in making the Under 25 Club’s event, successful. As known by all, finances are always a challenge when you begin. Fortunately with the support of the families and with the little savings (from taking up multiple jobs) of their own, and cutting the cost up to 90% by doing majority of the work themselves, they managed the finances part of it. Another major challenge was to convince the right people to join them. Also, giving them the tasks that they are good at, was equally important. “We’re very dreamy people. Our dreams may seem unrealistic, but we do want to do what’s not easy and break the challenges. Only then, we will be able to grow. We’ve made sure it isn’t easy” states Anto, about building the perfect strong community.
Under 25 Club
While they managed to influence people and made their first event in Bangalore successful, their responsibility increased with the increase in expectations of the speakers, the attendees and the team itself. Through their first event, they were certainly able to attract talents that were interested in doing the same, who began to volunteer for the very next year’s event. Selection of anyone has been done very carefully says Anto, “We’re very particular about the team. There are many people that apply through our Facebook page to volunteer for us.  We ensure that they are interviewed and match the kind of thoughts expected. Almost every one of them is talented, but we ensure to choose those who believe in the same vision as ours; they need to feel the belonging. Once they are in the team, each of them is the face of the organization.”

Having completed the 4th annual Under 25 Summit successfully (with about 5000 attendees), the group has more than 150 volunteers who contribute in making the event victorious. “We haven’t hired people who have years of experiences but people who are just like us, with the right perspectives” adds Anto. It’s very important that every individual who becomes the smallest of reasons in bringing the outcome, is recognized. This has been one of the success mantras of the Under 25 group to ensure that the volunteers continue to enjoy being a part of it. Also, an alumni party is conducted every 2 months to help every volunteer know that he/she still belongs to the family.
Under 25 Club
When asked what truly brings happiness working at Under 25, Elizabeth Riya Roy, Head of Content, mentioned “Working towards the goal is in itself a joy here. As the day comes, there is stress, but seeing the result that comes out of our effort, makes us happy. We believe in giving the best experiences to every attendee. No matter what goes wrong, we ensure they are all greeted with smiles.” You are sure to experience the energy and passion in every individual at Under 25!

Under 25 Club also provides various informative content to the internet crowd (Don’t forget to check out their site!) The team targets to next reach out to 29 cities of India within the next one year, reaching out to such cities which don’t offer many opportunities to young talents who can possibly achieve much more with a little inspiration. Their message to all the youngsters across the world – “It’s not about arts, science and commerce. It’s about knowing yourself, knowing what you really want to do. Do your education. What you really need to know is that there are multiple other things you can add to your regular courses, which will make you the best at what you want to.” The Under 25 club has undeniably taken its stand in letting every youngster know that the purpose is not to be what the society tells you should be, but to be the person that you want to always be. You are sure to see the organization grow bigger in the coming years and conquer the world with its absolute pure intent and become the reason for millions of young champions to grow and glow! Add your wishes in comments to reach them.

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 7th February 2017.
IJ Kavyashree
IJ Kavyashree is a contributing writer at Inspiration Unlimited eMagazine.

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