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Invest in Your Future by Running Straight Through Microsoft AZ-900 Exam Wielding Practice Tests

Microsoft AZ-900 Exam

Connecting the Unconnected

No doubt the internet is a necessity that is at the heart of our existence today. But still, there are millions of rustic and tribal groups who don’t have access to this potent power. In hopes of casting rectification, Microsoft launched its ‘Rural Airband’ initiative which involves the company’s partnering with telecommunication firms to invest in network towers. The ambition is to provide broadband connections to the 3 million citizens in rural America that are unable to bathe in the prosperity of the internet by 2022.

Another way Microsoft influences lives is through their IT exams that hand out valuable certifications upon completion. If you have some idea regarding cloud solutions and how such facilities are provisioned using Microsoft Azure, then the entry-level test you could look into is AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals.


Delve into Exam AZ-900

Exam AZ-900 will assess you on theoretical areas such as the distinction between IaaS and PaaS, and various cloud models. It also tests you on Azure’s architectural components, the range of solutions it offers, and its compliance & pricing policies. Heading into this exam, you need to be acquainted with Azure workloads & security and be clear about concepts that relate to application development, storage, and networking. The best part is that AZ-900 is the single test you need to take to earn the Microsoft Certified: Azure Fundamentals credential.


Microsoft AZ-900 Exam

3 Ways to Prepare

Although AZ-900 is an entry-level assessment, thorough preparation is still needed. And these neat resources should do the trick in making you absolutely ready:

  • On the Microsoft website, you can get free Learning Paths for AZ-900. This is essentially a series of well-written articles that explain all the topics covered by this exam. Each post concisely clarifies the issue at hand, using examples, tables, case studies, and images to reinforce students’ understanding. ‘Knowledge Checks’ are also included so you can gauge how much of the content you’ve mastered. Step-by-step walk through demonstrations also come packed in this wholesome product.
  • https://www.certbolt.com/az-303-dumps
  • Another great way to learn is from IT professionals at the top of their field. This is exactly what you get when you sign up for Instructor-led training courses from Microsoft’s website. Aside from the lectures and lab exercises, this comes with the added advantage of being able to ask direct questions to these experts.
  • Exam-Labs.com is also a must use. This site can give you the latest AZ-900 practice tests uploaded by past applicants. These include answers to the exam questions that have been corrected by veterans in the field of IT. Not only is this a fast way to learn, but it also helps you pick up on time management skills because when you open these mocks with the VCE Exam Simulator you’ll have the precise testing atmosphere of AZ-900 recreated in front of you.

The Finest Move

Azure is a rapidly growing cloud service. And with that comes the need to hire those who are competent at interacting with the platform.

https://www.examlabs.com Conquering AZ-900 and claiming the Azure Fundamentals certification can be your starting point for such job roles. So bank on those effective & fruitful practice tests from Exam-Labs.com because it’ll all be worth it will help you advance your career with a renowned credential validating your updated skills.

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 8th July 2020.

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