Do I Follow my Heart or Continue my Present Career Path?

Follow your heart

The name of this book is Life Simplified and hence I do not want to take pages together to answer this one, though you would love it for the price you have paid. But then the additional price that you would end up paying is for the amount of time you would lose reading redundant stuff added to increase the mass of this book, which is clearly not my goal. I expect to see your life simplified as I close this chapter with a few powerful paragraphs. When I look back at my life today, I am glad that the best talents have once worked with me when I was working in the network marketing industry. I & my supremely talented brother together lead the network of diverse talents and am glad the journey continues even after jumping over from the network marketing arena into the real-time entrepreneurship arena. It’s a pleasure to see people who say that they are in a fix doing things they don’t love and we help them discover their passion in no time. It’s all about getting out there and doing it, than thinking or talking about it. It’s all about EXPLORING

Follow your heart

I am glad that today the best talents are working with me with patience and hope of a great future, which they can derive looking at my life closely & they know their lives are far too simplified working towards what they are passionate about than working somewhere where their soul wouldn’t just establish a connection.

The best part about discovering your passion is like the mobile network system. Each time your soul is found working in a place where your inner calling isn’t there, your soul shouts connection error or network doesn’t exist or it’s out of coverage area. Hence, next time you try connecting to your soul and it isn’t in the coverage area or answers switched off, you can be sure, it’s not your inner calling. You might be getting paid more but life is heading towards being just more meaningless and lifeless.

It’s true that responsibilities, at times, that bind you and the uncertainties that following your heart brings along, stop you from making your decisions. But friend, to make life meaningful doesn’t mean leaving your present job/career path or quitting it and then following your heart, it simply means keep your heart functional while your other organs are doing their job respectively.

When once the timing is right, let all other organs follow the heart! But till then let the heartbeat at least! Don’t kill hope! KEEP PATIENCE! Fake it if needed, you will soon develop it & find yourself following your heart. A strong stone would be crushed with your faith and you would be regarded in the list of strongest men in town.

Follow your heart

Trust me, friend, today when I am being looked up to as a star, I just sometimes can’t comprehend what is it that I did that made me one and the answer is “walked long enough when all others by then had stopped for tea-breaks and some even changed their track itself!

It’s simply about exploring, learning, experiencing your passions in all the free time you get or rather the time you are willing to make to develop the necessary expertise to be sure to jump into the world of your passion that you can assure yourself that you could sustain yourself and your family with what you earn.

As long as you can design an earning model for your sustenance and that of your family, to begin with, it’s a great model to begin following your heart. Growth follows. For questions on how to grow, patiently go back to the chapter now on growth and life, and reiterate those words on your mind and you shall see the depth to which you would be able to catch what is written there. It would all begin to make deep sense now!

The best book I have ever read that I would love to quote here is “Follow your heart” by Andrew Matthews. If you could grab a copy of this, please ensure you do. It’s possibly the most powerful content and deeply influential in itself. No other text could ever give me the amount of clarity this book brought into me.

Follow your heart

Finally, on a concluding note, I would love to share that just decide where you are heading, what your vision for life is, decide how you would want to leave this world, decide what you would want to be remembered for when you leave this planet, decide what your tombstone would read when you are no more. I decided and it powerfully moves me every single day and I hope before I close this text you too will do the same..

I want to die with my tomb-stone shouting

(if I am burnt to ashes, my ashes shall do the shouting)

The world once knew a man,

Who made a difference to the man-kind every single day of his life, till he lived his last breath!

Finally, here I come to the end of this short book. I am truly hoping that the content here was simple and easy to imbibe and execute. I would love to end with these lines:

I know the time is too short in this life, to be able to do everything, but it is long enough to develop at least the ‘will’ to be able to do anything & everything.

Once that WILL develops, A new story worth reading happens, generations are left with a story they could learn from, foot-prints are created on the sands of time that are worth following, trails are left on the oceans of the life that guide the upcoming sailors, paths are tread through the thick forests of life making way for others to follow &eventually the vastness is resolved by the threads of simplicity –


Publisher's Note

While this article is truly inspiring and insightful, the book Life Simplified! authored by Mr. Sujit Lalwani has a lot more content that you cannot miss reading. The book is available both on & for you to grab a copy of your own.

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