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11 Effective Ways To Use Social Media To Generate Blog Traffic (For New Bloggers)

Writing a great blog and not having great traffic can be the biggest mismatch you might not want to see. So here is a collection of some very effective tips for you to increase the traffic on your blogs. Read ON!
Marketing tips for bloggers According to the data, there are 600 million blogs on the internet, and more than 4.4 million blog posts are published every day. If that was appalling, the good news is that approx. 409 million people visited more than 20 billion pages on WordPress alone. But conversely, according to Blog Tyrant, 59.3% of people started blogs then abandoned them. One of the core reasons has to be less traffic to their blogs.

There is a huge market out there, and people are happy to consume diverse content. With close to 3bn (almost 50% of the world’s population) on social media, it remains one of the strongest mediums to churn traffic for your blog.

Let’s dive into the ways you could use social media to generate the traffic for your blog that it deserves:

Write quality content:

The first step to starting a blog is to decide the type of content you are going to post. Decide whether it is going to be a fashion blog, a food blog, a travel blog or technology updates blog, a sports blog, or any other field you are passionate about. It is called ‘choosing your niche’. Don’t try to mix all of it in one blog; you won’t have an audience for any until you have been able to categorize the sections and can get a separate set of audience for all of them. It is difficult to make this happen at the onset. You wouldn’t want the audience to get confused when they visit your blog.

Post quality content with catchy headlines. Don’t be bogged down by the amount & quality of content already available on the internet. A question/doubt like “who will read my blog when there is so much already out there?” is obvious, but just know that there is a type of audience who will like your content too.

Identify the target channels:

Marketing tips for bloggers Once you have decided on your niche, identify and detail out the type of people for whom your content would be useful. It is easy to say ‘it is for everyone’, but it might not work out that way unless you are in a niche that is generic and applicable for all. Defining your audience gives you the clarity on whom to market your blog posts too. For example, this particular blog post is for new and aspiring bloggers and not for established ones as we touch upon the basics. This applies in the case of some books too. Like, ‘Life Simplified!’ by Mr. Sujit Lalwani is especially for the age-group of 14-28 years.

Once, you have defined the type of audience, research on the social media channels they are available on. If your content is for the professionals, LinkedIn would the right place to be in but it might not be appropriate if you have a fashion blog. When you think of images of fashion products, which social media channel comes to your mind? Instagram? There you go! You are getting it right!

Build your social media presence:

According to the niche you choose, build your strategy on whether you would build your presence and audience on a single channel or multiple channels. But unless your niche demands one channel strategy, creating your accounts in multiple channels and promoting your blog is always good. It helps you be found when people search for you/the name of your blog on search engines.

Make sure to fill out the details and give your profiles a professional outlook with the right bios describing yourself as a blogger and your blog details. Avoid random bios. Bios like “Just a normal college grad looking to chill” won’t be attractive for your audience.

Connect with people who like content similar to yours:

Marketing tips for bloggers One of the ways to get people to your blog is by following people who are have liked or have expressed their interest in the content of others in your niche. Connect to them and let them know about your blog, and if they find it impressive enough, they will love to join your list of followers. Think of the creative ways to find such people.

Enable social sharing on your blog:

To increase the reach of the blog, it is important to make social sharing as easy as possible. The more the number of people sharing your blog in their social accounts, the more the people will start following your blog. If the process of sharing your blog on their social media is difficult, it is less likely they will share it ahead. You can find this implemented even by some of the reputed media platforms including us. Observe the red color right arrow on the bottom left of the screen and click on it.

Choose the right images:

Marketing tips for bloggers Images form a pivotal part of your blog posts. Don’t compromise on the images. Choose the right images that your audience would like. It would also help in more people clicking on your blog post when shared on social media if the image can generate curiosity in them. Recall, the number of blogs/articles/videos you would have clicked because you found the image interesting. The same would be the case for your blog too.

Add social comment section:

An optional addition though, but adding the social comment sections like ‘Disqus’ would engage the readers better by encouraging discussions.

Automate your content promotion:

This is one of the most important steps if you want to increase blog traffic- Automating your content promotion. This means that your content will be promoted automatically on social media instead of you having to post it every time according to the schedule. If you are using WordPress, you might find some automation tools as plugins. Else, platforms like Missinglettr do a great job of automating the promotion of your content on social media.

Use the right hashtags:

People are searching for the type of content they like using hashtags. Figure out the hashtags that would make your content be found in the searches and add them to your posts on social media.

Marketing tips for bloggers Join relevant groups and participate in forums:

Join relevant Facebook and LinkedIn Groups and post the links to your blog posts for the members of those groups. You could also post the complete blog post on platforms like LinkedIn and other mediums and at the end give a link to your original blog post.

Participate in relevant conversations in forums like Quora, Reddit, or other forums that you could find through a Google search for the same with “niche”+forum.

Have the right strategy for collecting Email IDs:

The last thing you would want is to not keep the readers informed about your future blog posts. Hence, one of the ways you could reach back to them and keep them updated with your future blog posts is through mails. Make sure to have the right strategy to collect the Email IDs of the visitors so that they could be your Email subscriber and enable you to earn from them once you start selling products.

An effective content marketing automation tool: Missinglettr

Missinglettr is a one-stop content marketing promotion solution for all bloggers. It turns the blogs into engaging social media campaigns for a duration of almost a year so that you don’t have to invest your time for the same. It is being used by more than 20,000 bloggers and content marketers globally. It has simple functionality:

Marketing tips for bloggers - It detects when there is a new post in your blog. It works with WordPress,, Blogger, Ghost, Squarespace, and Medium.

- With the support of AI, it analyzes your content and formulates several social media posts with quotes, hashtags, and images

- You receive the formulated content is for your approval and to make any desired edits

- Once you approve the content, it would schedule the campaign on all your selected social channels at the pre-set schedules

- It currently supports Facebook Pages and Groups, LinkedIn Profiles and Company Pages, Twitter.

Some of its brilliant features include:

Automatic Social Campaigns:

Missinglettr would prepare a year’s worth of engaging social media campaigns as soon as you publish your blog. Imagine the amount of time you would save.

Marketing tips for bloggers Optimised Social Content:

Images play a pivotal role in increasing engagement. Hence, Missinglettr not only creates but also crops the images for social content.

Promote Guest Posts:

Guest Posting on other blogs is also an effective way to promote your blog. But what about the promotion of your guest post? Missinglettr does that too. Feed in the link of your guest post and watch Missinglettr create the social media content for that too.

Hashtag Recommendations:

It automatically creates Hashtag recommendations for social media posts. You could review the hashtags and edit them before activating the campaign.

Content Templates:

You will have complete control over the content of the templates used for making the posts ready.

Schedule Templates:

The default campaign lasts for 12 months but you have complete control and maneuverability. You can decide the frequency of posts according to your needs.

Medium Repurposing:

Automatically re-publish your best blog posts on Medium once published on your main site.

Client Approvals:

Enables clients to review the campaigns before you activate it for them.

Custom URL Shorteners:

Every social post will contain a shortened link back to your blog. By default, Missinglettr would use its URL shortener for analytics but it also supports, PixelMe, replug, and Short.CM.

Branded Imagery:

For higher impact, all the social posts would be supported with images. You can choose the themes that best suit your brand. You can also customize the elements in those images.

ROI & Analytics:

Every social post is tracked and the engagement is monitored. The report of the same is available to us for review and decision-making.

There are many more features that you might like to have a look. You can do it here.

Reviews of Missinglettr:

Marketing tips for bloggers

Marketing tips for bloggers
Marketing tips for bloggers
Marketing tips for bloggers
Marketing tips for bloggers
So, if you are a blogger, you can’t miss Missinglettr.


To optimize the results and conversion, the Content Marketing Automation is a must not just for new bloggers but even for growing ones. We hope that you find this write-up helpful. As a new blogger, are there other challenges you face that you would like us to address? Let us know in the comments below.

Copyrights © 2024 Inspiration Unlimited eMagazine

Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 9th October 2020.
Kunal Jain
Kunal Jain works as an Outreach Specialist at iU

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