Inspiration Corner
A collection of write-ups from experiences of life that inspire, empower, influence & trigger positive values, habits & mindsets.


Be Natural – Drop Your Masks, Be Authentic

Being Natural, Being Authentic, Being Happy are some of the traits that could help you lead a fulfilling life. Here's an excerpt from Savitha Hosamane's book Erupt With Joy that throws light on the importance of the same. Read ON! #StayInspiredOnTheGo
Erupt With Joy

When I was on a holiday in San Francisco, I decided to try out a day’s trip to the Monterey, Carmel and 17-mile drive. I knew that in the US, 7.00 am means 7.00 am only. I went to the tourist counter, picked up my tickets and went out to board the bus. I saw many buses parked and all of them looked alike. I then gathered that the bus I had to board was parked at the end. I rushed as I had only 5 mins left. I debated whether to visit the restroom or not. I had paid a whopping 106$ for the day out. I told no to myself, as I didn’t know where the restrooms were and I didn’t want to miss my bus. I ran along and just entered the bus on time.
The bus had around 6 passengers. The driver was ready. I wondered if that was the strength. I looked at 2 ladies who were seated in the first row. The other two were old couples. I had almost the whole bus for myself to be seated across. I felt a bit odd as only 6 passengers for such a big bus. The driver started immediately and I sat down in the 3rd row. The driver also acted as the guide, started making announcements and briefed about the day’s tour. I sat and soaked in the beautiful sights.
We had a small stopover. It was a welcome break to relieve myself. I went in and peeked at the eatable display. None enticed me and then we boarded the bus again. The next stop was Monterey. The driver told us we had to come back within a few hours. I got down and was enquiring from the driver about the places to visit when a woman with towering stature walked up behind me and asked if that was my first time there. I said “yes”. She said, “Come, I will take you around. We will not go to where the driver has directed us. I will take you to see better sights.”

I looked around and then looked at the smiling lady. The whole place looked deserted and the other souls of the bus had simply vanished. For a moment, I didn’t know what to say or do. Can I trust a person who is a total stranger? No other person was friendly and didn’t even care much. Why is this lady interested so much? The voice of my family members resounded in my mind. I was constantly advised from the day my tickets to the US were booked to stay away from friendly strangers in an unknown city. I was the first girl in the family who was traveling alone so far. Do not trust anyone easily and do not reveal too much about yourself. Do not become friendly with people especially the ones who approach you. The list went on and on in my mind.

I said, “Let’s go.” The driver called back and said, “Ladies, if you are late, you stay here.” We walked around and then she said that she was alone for the day. I enquired about the companion, who was seated beside her. She said she wanted to sit in the first row and hence sat down beside the serious looking woman even though she didn’t know her. She then said to me, “Do you know why I chose to accompany you and not her”? I stopped walking and waited for her answer as I had no clue. She said “You smiled at me so joyously as you entered the bus. Your smile encaptivated me and so here I am. I have visited this place during my previous visit to the US. I just love this place and would not mind showing you around.” She then said to me “Did you look at all the other passengers? They looked so serious and offbeat. They put me off.”

She took me to places where the view was very good. We posed and clicked the pics. We started discussing each other’s lives and families back home. We talked and laughed like we were long last friends. By lunchtime, she said she will treat me and took me to a restaurant on the beach. She showed me fresh prawns in seawater and said that it would be very tasty. I told her that I was a veggie and would not eat them. I looked at the menu, there was nothing for me. She insisted I buy something as she was treating me. I bought a cool drink and she bought wine. It was the first time in my life where I saw someone feeling so bad that I was not able to eat anything while she relished the fresh prawns. I wondered at the kind of food habits we have in different parts of the world, which were as wide as the boundaries that set us apart. However, the warmth that radiated from her heart was not missed.

When we went back to the bus, I started noticing other passengers. They looked so serious and were not in an enjoyable mood at all. I wondered if this is a holiday for them or a strict order. Why is it people are so serious and do not enjoy it easily? On a holiday if a person is so grim, how would it be on a regular working day? Why is it that most people look like they are suffering?

Erupt With Joy

I started observing people’s behavior around me. I noticed that many of them behave differently when their spouses are around and behave differently when the spouses are not around.

When we have a friend’s gathering, most of the guys get panicky when they see their wives call. Their entire behavior changes. After the call is over, they come back and act as though nothing happened. I do not know at which place they are wearing a mask. Which is their true self? Inevitably most of my female friend’s behavior undergoes a drastic change with their children, husband or in-laws around. From whom are they trying to hide? Why is it we are not at ease with our selves? Why are we not natural everywhere?

I had invited a few male friends to my house for lunch. After lunch, we were supposed to drive off to Mysore. When we were driving one of my friends told me that I was more relaxed then than at home. I then started recollecting the events back home. Of course, I was taking care that we eat and start our journey on time. I was also driving on the highway for the first time. I knew that my parents had their apprehensions about my highway driving and me being the only female in the group. Was it the reason that had put me at unease? Being natural: To be natural is to just be our self again. It is to give ourselves freedom from the weight of the crowd around us. Whatever the cost is, I want to be myself. I cannot pretend anymore to be somebody else. Then we do not need any mask and we start becoming our natural self again. Be yourself, just as you are. You will start connecting with yourself. This is the path of joyfulness. To be joyous is as natural as being healthy. The first thing to do is simply laugh at our selves. It is very easy and simple.

While this article is truly inspiring and insightful, the book Erupt With Joy has a lot more content that you cannot miss reading. The book is available both on & for you to grab a copy of your own.

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 19th September 2020.

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