List of Must-Read Non-Fiction Books for the Entrepreneurs

Must-Read Non-Fiction Books for the Entrepreneurs Being an entrepreneur is not a walk in the park. While people around you might admire you for deciding on becoming your own boss, it can take a toll on you when things don’t go as planned. During such times, it’s important to take a break from work and go for a walk, spend some time at the beach or socialize with friends and family. You also need a mentor to keep your spirit up. Another great way to stay motivated and on track, in the long run, is by reading books.

Non-fiction books and free essay samples are the best for entrepreneurs because they allow them to learn from the best. Reading the works of people and stories of entrepreneurs who have been on a similar path to you will help you learn from their mistakes and avoid being in similar situations. Here are some of the best books for entrepreneurs.

1. Out of Crisis – Edward Deming

This book was published back in the 80s and it is one of the best management books for business leaders. The book shares some of the most effective tips on how to ensure that teams remain flexible and open while embracing changes. When companies fail to do this, they end up in a sorry state. When the company is affected, the jobs of people who work ceaselessly for it are put at risk.

2. Rework – Jason Fried

This book has been endorsed by Mark Cuban and Seth Godin as a must-read for entrepreneurs and investors. It encourages entrepreneurs to create business plans and execute them. It also highlights the importance of focusing on things instead of multitasking. Rework is one of the best books out there. Get it today to stay motivated in the long run and achieve your goals.

3. How the Mighty Fall – Jim Collins

Regardless of how beautiful they look outwardly; most organizations are vulnerable from the inside. A single push is all that’s needed to bring down the company instantly. In such conditions, organizations tend to be tenacious in their undertakings. This book will help you adapt to the changing situations and help you overcome challenges. As a student who aspires to be an entrepreneur, there are a lot of essay examples on nonfiction books on the web that you can easily access using your phone after reading this book. This is one of the best books for entrepreneurs who want to build an organization that will not give in regardless of the challenges they are facing.

4. Choose Yourself – James Altucher

James is one of the best non-fiction writers in the world. He is smart, humorous, and sensible as you are going to see in his book. The short creative topic has enticed a lot of people. There are two phases when you decide to become an entrepreneur. The first one is deciding to become an entrepreneur and the second is acting on it. This book encourages you to act the part and take responsibility. It focuses on discovering who you are and supporting yourself. You need to be ready for the setbacks, challenges and take responsibility for everything that happens to you.

5. Mastery – Robert Greene

Robert Greene is a popular non-fiction writer. One of his books, Mastery has been ranked by a lot of readers as one of the best books in business. You can only achieve mastery if you work persistently to become a better version of yourself. Mastery is also achieved by people who are willing to walk the path in the long term. As an aspiring entrepreneur, this book should be in your library.

6. The War of Art – Steven Pressfield

This is the right book for every entrepreneur who faces their biggest enemy every day – Procrastination. Nobody likes procrastinating. Yet, we find ourselves every day postponing the most important tasks and prioritizing fun and leisure. By reading this book, you’ll learn more about the obstacles that people face as they work to achieve their goals and the best solutions for them. You need to be aware of who you are and what is preventing you from achieving your goals.

7. The Power of Now – Eckhart Tolle

Most people spend a lot of time regretting the past or worrying about the future. When you spend most of your time thinking about the past or future, you miss out on the present moment. When you are anchored in the present moment, you’ll do what it takes to make a difference in your life. If you’d like to understand and enjoy the beauty of the present moment, this book is ideal for you.


Reading for students is beneficial. Books help in enlightening us and encouraging us to take the necessary steps to achieve our goals. As an entrepreneur, you need to read books regularly. Life as an entrepreneur is not a walk in the park. You are going to face a lot of challenges along the way. If you manage to overcome them, you are going to have a prosperous life. The books that we’ve shared with you in this post will help you come up with amazing solutions and keep on keeping on when the journey gets tough. You can easily access most books using your smartphone or tablet whenever you want. Which book are you going to start reading today?

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